LOVOT has arrived

LOVOT – a new social robot from Groove X in Japan has arrived to Aalborg University.

The LOVOTs are named Anne and Lars and will be tested for the first time outside Japan in interaction with citizens with dementia this spring in collaboration with Aalborg, Viborg and Skive Municipalities.

The LOVOTs are designed to create joy, has memory (AI), remember people, recognizes own name and has unique personalities that develops over time.

The National Health Authorities in Denmark are funding the project.

Johan Steffensen, internship at JD TeleTech

Johan Steffensen, who is studying Japanese culture and communication at Aarhus University, is starting an at internship this fall 2019 at the JD TeleTech Network, connected to Laboratory for Welfare Technologies – Telehealth & Telerehabilitation at Aalborg University.

Johan will be working on developing the network, preparing and launching webinars within eHealth themes from Japan and Denmark, help preparing the next JD TeleTech Workshop in Tokyo in December, and help Japanese companies facilitating collaboration with healthcare organizations within the JD TeleTech.

We are looking forward to collaborating with Johan this fall.

Grant given to new JD TeleTech Network

The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has given a grant to the Japanese-Danish TeleTech Network (aka JD TeleTech Network).

The grant will be used for a workshop in Denmark spring 2019 and a workshop in Japan fall 2019. The aim of the workshops is to facilitate new innovation and research projects between academia, healthcare professionals and industry.

We are looking forward to create synergies between the two countries within telehealth research.

HiSC at NOVI by October 1st

The Japanese company HiSC will from October 1st 2018 establish a Danish branch of their company at NOVI close to Aalborg University to collaborate with Laboratory for Welfare Technologies within telehealth.

We are looking forward to the collaboration.

OriHime at Aalborg University

The social robot “OriHime” has now arrived at Aalborg University in Denmark.

Maria Juul from Ory Laboratory in Japan delivered the robots to Laboratory for Welfare Technology – Telehealth & Telerehabilitation Monday September 3rd.

We are going to test the OriHime in collaboration with the Speaking Institute and Brain Injury Center North Jutland in the Municipality of Aalborg.